Charter of Right to Transport

1 Principle of Equality
Everyone is equally entitled to the Right to Transport, and the security of this right is guaranteed.
2 Security of Safety
Everyone has an equal right to walk and move safely free from traffic accidents and pollution, and to seek refuge and be rescued immediately and safely in the event of disasters.
3 Security of Conveniences
Everyone has an equal right to enjoy transport services which are superior in continuity and economy comfortably, inexpensively and conveniently.
4 Security of Culture
Everyone has an equal right to enjoy walking, cycling and travelling, and to have access to cultural and physical activities by using transport.
5 Environmental Protection
The people shall actively create a transport system which does not involve waste of resources nor global environmental deterioration.
6 Respect for Coherent Transport System
The people shall create a public transport system in which land, marine and air transport work harmoniously, and which incorporates consideration for residence, industrial facilities, pubulic establishments, cities and national land development.
7 Respect for Internationalization
The people shall contribute actively toward peace, welfare and prosperity of the world by creating the transport system, which is based on the history and natural features of Japan, and by exercising the Right to Transport.
8 Responsibility of Governments
Central and local governments have responsibilities to develop the Charter of Right to Transport to the utmost by adjusting to the interests of the people concernd by offering information about transport to the people and by their participation in policy-making.
9 Responsibility of Transport Industries
Transport industry and related industries, their employers and employees, have common responsibilities to make safe and comfortable working conditions, and to develop the Right to Transport to the utmost by doing their duties.
10 Responsibility of The People
The people have resopnsibilities to defend and develop the Right to Transport so that by so doing they can enjoy the right for themselves.
11 Enactment of The Fundamental Transport Act
The people shall demand the Govenment to enact The Fundamental Transport Act (provisional name) based on the Charter of Right to Trasnport, and make efforts towards the realization of tis enactment.
